About Me

My name is Suellen Balado, in class, Ms Balado, so my students would 
call me Ms. B. 

"B"  =  "Bee"  =  🐝

Soon enough, the cute little insect came up, and children would associate my name with it. 

So I became Ms. Bee.

I kinda love it, because first of all, bees are amazing team workers, secondly; the product of this incredible job is marvelous and unique honey! So what better concept to be mixed with education?!

As I am also a mom, so you can say I am a full-time teacher. I’ve spent over 10 years helping to shape little minds in international environments and 6 years homeschooling.
I have graduated Pedagogy in my homeland; Brazil, I took a Master's Degree in Didactics and I am currently developing my Doctoral thesis in Education. These last ones, in Spain.
I’ve worked as a Teacher, Educational Consultant, and Teacher Trainer, and now, giving life to a new personal project on my own, awesome, pedagogical space.

And you are all so welcome! Let’s learn and grow together!
Because the best children can be, is who they should be!!
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About Equality

What does “Ms.” mean?

People began to use “Ms.” in the 1950s as a title of respect. Unlike “Miss” or “Mrs.”, it doesn’t indicate a woman’s marital status. The title became popular during the women’s movement of the 1970s because “Ms.” seemed a suitable equivalent of “Mister,” a title of respect for both unmarried and married men.
In our space gender equality and fair opportunities to all students is the top priority. We understand equality, not as giving every child the same approach, but giving every child an adequate one, meeting their own unique needs. So everyone can develop and reach their full potential! 

I understand that different kids have different needs, and it is only fair, that all children get the right means to grow healthy and happy!

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Série de Livros "Desenvolvimento é Coisa Séria"

Série de Livros "Desenvolvimento é Coisa Séria"
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